
Life's Disrobing

Your sadness like an anchor falls
It crashes 'round the courthouse halls
Your legs mired; your eyes red and pleading
You fear today’s your final meeting

Back at home, the phone rings with abandon
Your pulse races; it moves in tandem
With each whisper between them...and each denunciation
You cry in woeful supplication

Your daughter but a room away
Your son off to a friend’s to play
“I’m leaving,” his father's tone unsympathetic, callous
“Daddy,” he shouts, “you’re supposed to love us!”

Your terror launched by life’s disrobing
Will this be your complete unfolding
This, his implausible but palpable retreat
Your heart lumbered by love’s defeat
His steps hasten down desperation’s path
Is this midlife crisis’ wrath?

You want to scream for him to hear
Don’t regret this time, this day, this year
Don’t cause all that’s been sweet to sour
Please, don’t let this be our goodbye hour

Don’t leave me in this tormented place
Unlock this cage of lost embrace
Shed folly's shelter; and wrongs amend
Treat me like your cherished friend

By Rachel A. Elovitz, July 15, 2014


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