
A Tale of Two Sisters

This offering was originally a response to my sister - after reading a poem she wrote about my nieces.  It is an ode to them with a wish that what they share will permeate the walls of the Juvenile Court and the families who enter there.

Bereft of slumber and of sluggish hand
On your poetic tender my eyes humbly land

To read a tale of two sisters, dissimilarly inclined
One a whirling dervish, one bookishly sublime

Of their doting alliance and its innate blisters
After all…these two are sisters

In each there is empathy, ability, and light
In each there is humility, compassion, and insight

To merit their love and yield their affection
Is a testament to the recipient - absent dialogue, sans question

They are the progeny of generations of goodness - and yes, fallibility
But of history’s lessons they are the auspicious beneficiaries

And should peace ever seem at one's insufferable distance
Her sister will be there to mitigate resistance

No doubt should lie in this final proffer
That in their disparate manner, they are bonded forever

By Rachel Elovitz, Feb 2011


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